This summer students from all around the country participate in a program at American University, Discover the World of Communication, and take classes in a variety of communication areas. Professional Newswriting is designed to encourage students to explore not only their intrest in journalism, but also the people and placesĀ surrounding them. Over the last week these students have practiced interviewing skills, photography and writing on a deadline. By visiting various places throughout Washington, including CNN studios and the Newark Street Community Garden, Profesional Newswriting students have been able to get an idea of what it means to be a part of the larger D.C community and what it takes to create a news story.
A carpenter bee lands on a flower at the Newark Street Community Garden.
Claudette and Jake interview Professor Ned MacFadden outside of Katzen.
Professor Perri discusses interviewing skills with Christiane and Valerie.
CNN sign outside of CNN studios, located near Union Station.
The compost pile at the urban gardens, found behind the garden plots.
A shot of the Newark Street Community Garden upon entering.
A shot of the plots located in the back of the urban gardens.
Jake holds a peppermint plant that gardener, Guy Mendleson, gave him.
Jake takes notes during his interview with Suzane Akman.
Jake, William, Claudette and Valerie explore AU's campus while looking for interviews. Photo by Jacquie Lee
DWC students meet with Suzane Akman at the urban gardens.
DWC students meet with Suzane Akman at the urban gardens and shake her hand.
DWC students pose at the urban gardens with Suzane Akman before conducting an interview.
DWC students go on a tour of CNN with Dan Merica. This shot was taken right outside of the CNN lobby.
DWC students wait outside CNN studios to take a tour of the building.
Dan Merica welcomes and escortes DWC students into CNN studios for a tour.
Dan Merica speaks with DWC students before their tour of CNN studios.
DWC students walk through the arches outside of Union Station.
DWC students walk through the Urban Gardens; Pablo stops to take a picture.
Lauren and Claudette smile for the camera at the Urban Gardens.
Lauren and Claudette snap a picture at the Urban Gardens.
Pablo quickly takes notes while interviewing gardener, Nancy Reid, at the Urban Gardens.
Pablo takes a shot of Nancy Reid's plot at the Urban Gardens.
Pablo concentrates while taking notes during his interview with Suzane Akman.
One of the many flowers found in the plots at the Urban Gardens.
Valerie takes notes at the Urban Gardens.
Valerie and Christiane interview gardener, Peggie Lewis, at the Urban Gardens.
Valerie and Christiane take a stroll through the Urban Gardens.
Valerie and William interview AU employee, Reggie Mayo, outside of Hughes Hall.
Valerie and William interview Takei Roach on AU's campus.
William, Claudette, Valerie and Jake pose with their notebooks inside the new McKinley building.
William and Valerie interview AU employee, Margaret Kelly in Katzen Art Center.
William and Valerie snap a shot AU employee, Margaret Kelly, at her desk.
Xandie and William interview gardener, Guy Mendleson, as he cleans his tools.
An angel statue hides behind the foliage at the Newark Street Community Gardens.
Jake and Claudette interview Sarah Bieniek while she sits in Katzen Art Center.
Jake and Claudette interview AU employee, John Suarez, outside of Hughes Hall. He speaks in spanish to Claudette, so they continue the interview in spanish.
A decoration found in one of the plots at the Urban Garden.